egg dropping Algorithm

The egg dropping algorithm is a classic optimization problem in computer science and mathematics, often used to demonstrate the concept of dynamic programming. The problem involves determining the minimum number of attempts required to find the highest floor of a building from which an egg can be dropped without breaking. Given a building with N floors and K eggs, the objective is to find the optimal strategy that minimizes the worst-case number of attempts needed to identify the critical floor, while also considering the possibility that eggs may break during the testing process. To solve the egg dropping problem, dynamic programming techniques are employed to build a bottom-up solution using a two-dimensional table or matrix. Each cell in the matrix represents the minimum number of attempts required to determine the critical floor with a certain number of eggs and floors. The algorithm starts by filling in the base cases, such as when there is only one egg or one floor, and gradually builds up to the desired number of eggs and floors. By considering all possible scenarios of dropping an egg from different floors and updating the matrix with the minimum number of attempts, the algorithm eventually arrives at the optimal solution for the given number of eggs and floors. This approach not only reduces the time complexity of the problem but also provides an efficient way to find the solution.
/// # Egg Dropping Puzzle

/// `egg_drop(eggs, floors)` returns the least number of egg droppings
///     required to determine the highest floor from which an egg will not
///     break upon dropping
/// Assumptions: n > 0
pub fn egg_drop(eggs: u32, floors: u32) -> u32 {
    assert!(eggs > 0);

    // Explicity handle edge cases (optional)
    if eggs == 1 || floors == 0 || floors == 1 {
        return floors;

    let eggs_index = eggs as usize;
    let floors_index = floors as usize;

    // Store solutions to subproblems in 2D Vec,
    // where egg_drops[i][j] represents the solution to the egg dropping
    // problem with i eggs and j floors
    let mut egg_drops: Vec<Vec<u32>> = vec![vec![0; floors_index + 1]; eggs_index + 1];

    // Assign solutions for egg_drop(n, 0) = 0, egg_drop(n, 1) = 1
    for egg_drop in egg_drops.iter_mut().skip(1) {
        egg_drop[0] = 0;
        egg_drop[1] = 1;

    // Assign solutions to egg_drop(1, k) = k
    for j in 1..=floors_index {
        egg_drops[1][j] = j as u32;

    // Complete solutions vector using optimal substructure property
    for i in 2..=eggs_index {
        for j in 2..=floors_index {
            egg_drops[i][j] = std::u32::MAX;

            for k in 1..=j {
                let res = 1 + std::cmp::max(egg_drops[i - 1][k - 1], egg_drops[i][j - k]);

                if res < egg_drops[i][j] {
                    egg_drops[i][j] = res;


mod tests {
    use super::egg_drop;

    fn zero_floors() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(5, 0), 0);

    fn one_egg() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(1, 8), 8);

    fn eggs2_floors2() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(2, 2), 2);

    fn eggs3_floors5() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(3, 5), 3);

    fn eggs2_floors10() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(2, 10), 4);

    fn eggs2_floors36() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(2, 36), 8);

    fn large_floors() {
        assert_eq!(egg_drop(2, 100), 14);